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조세특례제한법 제126조의2 (‘17.12.19개정, 제15227호)
관련문의도서 · 공연 소득공제 안내 콜센터 : 1688-0700
신세계라이브쇼핑 상품 더보기
상품번호 : 1000035218459
모델번호 : 9780140567717
상품 상세 정보
도서명 |
The Boy Who Wouldnt Go to Bed] |
저자 및 출판사 |
Helen Cooper / Penguin Putnam |
크기 |
25*25 |
쪽수 |
26 |
제품구성 |
낱권 |
발행일 |
1 12월 2000 |
목차 또는 책소개(아동용 학습교재의 경우 사용연령을 포함) |
Book Level- 2.5“이제 잘 시간이야.” 엄마가 말합니다.“싫어. 아직 날이 밝은걸?” 아기가 말합니다.아기는 자신의 자동차를 타고 엄마를 피해 도망을 갑니다.사자를 만나 같이 놀자고 하지만 사자는 졸립다며 아침에 놀러 오라고 하네요.병정들에게 놀자고 하지만 병정들도 너무 졸립다고 합니다.결국에 아이의 자동차 마저 도 잠이 들어 버립니다.모두가 잠이 든 세상 오직 한 명 만이 잠이 들지 않고 아이를 바라봅니다.Editorial ReviewsFrom School Library JournalPreSchool-Grade 2. As she did in The Bear under the Stairs (Dial, 1993), Cooper takes a gentle, wry look at a childs imagination. At bedtime, a young boy takes a fantasy trip in his little red car into a land filled with his stuffed animals and toys?all of which are larger than life. In the well-patterned, repetitive text, the child asks each toy to play with him; each replies in its own way that its not the right time for playing: Nighttime is for resting, not racing, says the train. As the sun goes down, the youngster journeys through puffy clouds, past bedlike mounds, and under a moon hung by a string, and finally stands awake and alone, with the sleeping world around him. But not to worry, for here comes his mother to scoop him up, carry him through a land of oversized bathroom fixtures and a giant tube of toothpaste, and put him in his warm, cozy bed. With their careful, creative details (the zipper in a toy tigers stomach, wooden soldiers parading with toothbrushes, the toy trains cars filled with sleepy nursery-rhyme characters), the dusky golden and purple watercolors complement and enhance the text. Like Denys Cazets Im Not Sleepy (Orchard, 1992) and Martin Waddells Cant You Sleep Little Bear? (Candlewick, 1992), this charming story will soon become a favorite part of the bedtime ritual.?Jane Marino, Scarsdale Public Library, NYCopyright 1997 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. From BooklistAges 3-6. A boy (who appears to be about two years old) announces to his mother that he is going to stay up all night. He then revs up his red toy car and drives away so fast his mother cant catch him. He soon meets up with a tiger, but the beast is too sleepy to play, as are the others he encounters--soldiers, who march with toothbrushes over their shoulders; animal musicians; and even the moon. At last the boy is so tired he is grateful when his mother scoops him up and puts him to bed. The... read more --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title. Book DescriptionThis boy is not ready to go to sleep, so he revs up his little red car and drives away into a magical, softly-muted land filled with larger-than-life toys. But all the toys are too tired to play, and when the toy musicians play a lullaby, it puts the boys car to sleep. How will he get home now? Luckily, someone is still awake, and shes on her way to pick the boy up and tuck him (finally!) into bed. This humorous, clever story is sure to become a bedtime favorite.The imaginary blends seamlessly with the real. -Booklist, starred reviewAwards:( Winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal |
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