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조세특례제한법 제126조의2 (‘17.12.19개정, 제15227호)
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상품번호 : 1000035615957
모델번호 : 9780316730471
상품 상세 정보
도서명 |
Dumpling soup |
저자 및 출판사 |
Jama Kim Rattgan / Time Warner - Little, Brown |
크기 |
26*23cm |
쪽수 |
32 |
제품구성 |
낱권 |
발행일 |
1 4월 1998 |
목차 또는 책소개(아동용 학습교재의 경우 사용연령을 포함) |
일러스트레이터 :Lillian Hsu-Flanders Marisa가 만든 이상한 모양의 만둣국을 가족들은 맛있게 먹어줄까요? 새해 전날, Marisa는 할머니를 도와 만둣국을 만든다. 하지만 Marisa는 자신이 만든 이상한 모양의 만두를 가족들이 맛있게 먹어줄지 걱정이 된다. 하와이 섬을 배경으로 음식과 전통문화를 통해 전해지는 가족 간의 사랑을 배울 수 있다.A girl helps her chop suey (mixed up) family make the dumplings for their traditional New Years Eve meal, in this slice of Korean-Chinese-Japanese-Hawaiian-Anglo life. As warm and comforting as homemade soup, said PW. Ages 4-8. Copyright 1998 Reed Business Information, Inc.Kindergarten-Grade 3-A large, loving Hawaiian family gathers to celebrate the new year with Marisa making mandoo, or dumplings, a traditional holiday feast. Told from the seven-year-old childs breathless point of view, the event is also a tribute to diversity. The Yang family, like much of the population of Hawaii, includes members of Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Hawaiian, and haole (white) descent. And everyone loves mandoo, especially the funny-looking ones that Marisa makes. Though the text is low-key, the characters and their affection for one another are infectious. Cluttered, lively, full-color illustrations in a style reminiscent of Marylin Hafners work are packed with detail and children. Domestic groupings of all sorts will keep young eyes busy trying to identify which cousin is which. The pages are so full of activity that they often bleed entirely off the page. Any child who loves family gatherings will identify with this book, and teachers will welcome it for its inclusive approach. Though lengthy to read to a young group, the story will be relished by older primary-aged children for reading aloud and by independent readers, too.Carolyn Noah, Central Mass. Regional Library System, Worcester, MACopyright 1993 Reed Business Information, Inc.Each year, the women in Marisas family, living in the Hawaiian islands, gather to prepare dumplings (``mandoo) for the New Years celebration--and this year Marisa is old enough to help. After shes wrapped her dumplings, she worries throughout the New Years Eve festivities with her large clan (mostly Korean) that they arent good enough; but then Grandma makes Marisas dumplings a featured part of the first meal of the new year. It seems grudging to apply words like ``didactic to such an openhearted exercise in multiculturalism, but the books packaging--including a publishers note explaining the importance of diversity--is so insistent that it nearly sinks the capable storytelling and illustration. Still, Rattigans scenes of bustling domesticity have a cozy immediacy; Hsu-Flanderss watercolors joyfully crowd the small rooms of their Hawaiian home with happy relatives of all sizes, dressed in bright, patterned clothing (though only the narrators hair style differentiates her from her cousins). Foreign words and phrases are readily decoded from context (except for a few food names); many also appear in a glossary of Hawaiian, Japanese, English, and Korean terms. |
교환/반품 주소 |
(12790) 경기 광주시 오포읍 포은대로 265-15, 세진물류내 키즈북세종 |
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업체명 |
세종문고 |
주소 |
(13601) 경기 성남시 분당구 불정로 252 (수내동, 분당프라자) |
통신판매번호 |
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